A leap forward in Genetic Disorder Treatments: Aptadir Therapeutics’ groundbreaking RNA Inhibitors

Milan, Italy, 24 September 2024:

Aptadir Therapeutics is pioneering a revolutionary approach in the realm of biotechnology with its innovative RNA inhibitor-based therapies. The biotech startup has recently announced a significant breakthrough that could reshape treatment strategies for intractable cancers and genetic conditions.

Breaking new ground with RNA Inhibitors


Aptadir’s research centers on RNA inhibitors, specifically designed to tackle diseases with previously limited treatment options. Their unique approach involves DiRs (DNMTs Interacting RNAs), a new class of RNA inhibitors capable of selectively reactivating hypermethylated genes. This method shows immense potential for targeting the root causes of diseases such as Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) in adults and Fragile X Syndrome in children—conditions known for their complexity and resistance to traditional treatments.
The foundation of Aptadir’s technology is based on significant scientific discoveries made at prestigious institutions such as Harvard Medical School, the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, and Italy’s CNR Institute. The company’s cutting-edge science is the product of the collaborative efforts of renowned experts like Dr. Annalisa Di Ruscio, Dr. Vittorio De Franciscis, Prof. Daniel Tenen, and Prof. Marcin Kortylewski.

The road ahead


With Giovanni Amabile at the helm as the Executive Chairman and acting CEO, Aptadir is gearing up to navigate the future challenges in biomedicine. The company is poised to advance its leading program, Aptadir Ce-49, towards clinical trials by the end of 2025, aiming to establish a new standard in the treatment of complex genetic disorders.
Aptadir’s launch was bolstered by an impressive $1.6 million in pre-seed funding from EXTEND (EXTEND is the third National Technology Transfer Hub launched by CDP Venture Capital SGR through its Technology Transfer Fund with Angelini Ventures and Evotec) earmarked for optimizing its leading asset, Aptadir Ce-49. This initial financial injection is just the beginning, as the company eyes further development and commercialization of its platform.
Stay tuned for more updates on Aptadir’s journey and breakthroughs in the field of biotech innovations.


Rome, Italy, 12 April 2023:

EXTEND, the Technology Transfer Hub supported by CDP Venture Capital Sgr, Angelini Ventures and Evotec, approved funding for two projects in the area of Rare Diseases after the first round of evaluation of proposals received during the very first time from inception from the Research Institutions currently part of the network.

The news has been also reported in a dedicated article published on 12th April in Affari e Finanza, the Economic insert of the Italian newspaper “la Repubblica”.

Each project will receive a total funding of about 1.5 Mio Euros to reach, through a milestones-based path, the main inflection point, consisting in the formation of a dedicated Start-up company ensuring the progression of the asset into clinical development.

The projects, originated from the scientific effort of two Teams at Ospedale San Raffaele (Milan), one of the Research Centres forming the current scientific network of EXTEND, are designed to develop innovative therapies to treat two devastating Rare Diseases, namely Rett Syndrome and Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD), for which there is currently no cure or even disease modifying treatment available today.

Rett syndrome is the second most important syndrome after the Down syndrome. The project led by Dr. Vania Broccoli, Group leader of Stem Cells and Neurogenesis Unit at Ospedale San Raffaele, is developing a gene therapy approach to restore the expression of a fully functional protein codified by the MeCP2 gene, which is mutated in the subjects suffering from the disease. This approach has proven to be successful pre-clinically, as demonstrated by in vitro, ex-vivo and in vivo models data.

The Team of San Raffaele led by Dr. Davide Gabellini, Group Leader of Gene Expression and Muscular Dystrophy Unit, identified a specific protein which binds to that responsible for the development of Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy by blocking its toxic effect. Positive data in animal models have been generated and the budget received will allow an effective and efficient project progression towards the preclinical development thanks to the detailed project plan designed in collaboration of the Team of experts at Evotec.

Claudia Pingue, leading the Technology Transfer Fund at CDP and Chairman of EXTEND, commented: “Although defined “rare”, these diseases affect millions of people worldwide and Regulatory Authorities are willing to activate a Fast Track path to approval, thus representing a clear opportunity beyond the current effort. By EXTEND our mission is to fill the gaps that preclude many novel ideas to emerge and fund the most promising projects from Italian Research Institutions since the very early stages”.


Hamburg, Germany, 28 October 2022:


Evotec SE (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: EVT, MDAX/TecDAX, ISIN: DE0005664809; NASDAQ: EVO) today announced the launch of “Extend”, a translational BRIDGE partnership in cooperation with CDP Venture Capital Sgr, a strategic pillar to Italy’s economic growth and innovation, and Angelini Ventures, the Corporate Venture Capital arm of the multi-business industrial group Angelini Industries.

Extend is a joint venture between Evotec, CDP Venture Capital and Angelini Ventures to develop translational drug discovery partnerships with highly renowned universities and research centres in Italy. Extend aims to use Evotec’s best-in-class technology platforms to accelerate the translation of academic innovation into robust and investable data points and Angelini Ventures’ network and knowledge of the life science sector to launch successful new companies.

The partnership brings together several academic institutions with strong track records in life science innovation from across Italy: Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan, the Universities of Milan, Florence, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Padua, Sapienza in Rome, the regional research district of Puglia through H-Bio and the Human Technopole. Extend will be located within Milan’s MIND district, the new centre of scientific excellence in Italy focused on life sciences.

Evotec’s BRIDGE (Biomedical Research, Innovation & Development Generation Efficiency) collaborations provide an integrated fund and award framework to validate exciting academic projects in collaborations with Pharma, biotech, and Venture Capital partners with the goal to form new companies.

Dr Werner Lanthaler, Chief Executive Officer of Evotec, commented: “We are excited to launch Extend together with our partners at CDP Venture Capital and Angelini Ventures. The Academic sector in Italy has historically been a driving force behind innovation at a global scale. Extend provides researchers from the member institutions with a unique way to fast-track their projects, validate them on our industrial-grade platform and create partnering options that include the formation of new companies.”

Enrico Resmini, CEO and General Manager of CDP Venture Capital, said:
“The launch of the Extend National Technology Transfer Hub adds a key step to the path we are building to bridge the Italian tech transfer gap and open University laboratories to international markets. The pharmaceutical and drug discovery sectors represent one of the most striking examples of how research and deep tech technologies can shape people’s lives in a short time, as we have all experienced first- hand during the health emergency.”

Prof. Sergio Marullo di Condojanni, CEO of Angelini Industries, added: “We are delighted to participate in the creation of Polo Extend together with high-level partners in the biotech and innovation sectors. Being involved in this project represents an important opportunity for Angelini Industries to contribute to the development of the Italian innovation ecosystem, of which Extend represents a virtuous example. The participation of Angelini Ventures, under the leadership of CEO and Managing Director Paolo Di Giorgio, underlines our desire to strengthen the bridge between the excellence of Italian academic research and the development of drug discovery programs in order to identify new treatment options”

About Extend
Extend is a translational BRIDGE joint venture founded by Evotec, CDP Venture Capital, and Angelini Ventures in 2022. Extend brings together leading academic institutions from Italy to accelerate their most promising assets towards commercialisation.

Additional Quotes
“This partnership bears witness to the excellence and attractiveness of Milan University in life science research. It seizes the opportunity to translate the discoveries and innovations of our scientific community into tangible improvements in people’s quality of life, advancing preclinical projects to the level required to compete on the market. My hope is that, in this way, our university will be able to give a tangible contribution to technology transfer as a key mission for public researchers”, said Maria Pia Abbracchio, Vice Rector in charge of Research Coordination and Promotion at Milan University.

Professor Gianvito Martino, scientific director of IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan, said: “The creation of the Extend Hub testifies once again how the pharmaceutical sector is the one in which academia-industry partnerships are consolidating the most on a global level. We warmly welcome this initiative, in which we participate with conviction, since we believe that it is precisely in this field that the collaboration between research, industry and the financial sector – even with the creation of start-ups – is an unavoidable path to be truly competitive internationally”.

About Evotec’s BRIDGE model: Partnering to accelerate innovation
Evotec has created a new paradigm to translate early-stage academic research to drug discovery and development called “BRIDGE” (Biomedical Research, Innovation & Development Generation Efficiency), an integrated fund and award framework to tap into academic science to accelerate the formation of spin-out companies and generate collaborations with Pharma and biotech. Through these efforts, Evotec has defined a new formula for fast-track early-stage drug discovery. Since the launch of the BRIDGE model in 2016, Evotec has formed and funded a number of different collaborations, e.g. LAB282, LAB150, Autobahn-Labs, Argobio, beLAB2122, beLAB1407, and Danube Labs. Please visit www.evotec.com/en/innovate/bridges to learn more about Evotec’s BRIDGEs.

CDP Venture Capital is an asset management company (70% owned by CDP Equity and 30% owned by Invitalia) with over 1.8 billion euro of assets under management. It aims to make venture capital a strategic pillar to Italy’s economic development and innovation, creating the conditions for a comprehensive and sustainable growth of the venture capital ecosystem. It operates through a series of funds that aim to support start-ups in all their life cycle stages, making both direct and indirect investments.

Angelini Ventures is a global investments group that creates and invests in innovative solutions and ideas in the fields of biotechnology, life sciences and digital healthcare. Angelini Ventures will invest in Europe, North America and Israel with a focus on the central nervous system, mental health and market segments focused on women, children and the elderly. The company is based in Rome and has a global team composed of an international network of innovation experts.

Angelini Ventures is part of Angelini Industries, the international industrial group operating in 21 countries, with 5,800 employees, and annual revenues of €1.7 billion. Angelini Industries operates in the pharmaceutical, consumer goods, industrial technology, perfumes and dermo-cosmetics, wine and venture capital businesses. For more information, please visit angeliniventures.com

Evotec is a life science company with a unique business model that delivers on its mission to discover and develop highly effective therapeutics and make them available to the patients. The Company’s multimodality platform comprises a unique combination of innovative technologies, data and science for the discovery, development, and production of first-in-class and best-in-class pharmaceutical products. Evotec leverages this “Data-driven R&D Autobahn to Cures” for proprietary projects and within a network of partners including all Top 20 Pharma and over 800 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, as well as other healthcare stakeholders. Evotec has strategic activities in a broad range of currently underserved therapeutic areas, including e.g. neurology, oncology, as well as metabolic and infectious diseases. Within these areas of expertise, Evotec aims to create the world- leading co-owned pipeline for innovative therapeutics and has to-date established a portfolio of more than 200 proprietary and co-owned R&D projects from early discovery to clinical development. Evotec operates globally with more than 4,500 highly qualified people. The Company’s 16 sites offer highly synergistic technologies and services and operate as complementary clusters of excellence. For additional information please go to www.evotec.com and follow us on Twitter @Evotec and LinkedIn.

This announcement contains forward-looking statements concerning future events, including the proposed offering and listing of Evotec’s securities. Words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “potential,” “should,” “target,” “would” and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements include comments regarding Evotec’s expectations for revenues, Group EBITDA and unpartnered R&D expenses. These forward-looking statements are based on the information available to, and the expectations and assumptions deemed reasonable by Evotec at the time these statements were made. No assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates, which are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the control of Evotec. Evotec expressly disclaims any obligations or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in Evotec’s expectations with respect thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any statement is based

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